Please note that the below information is subject to change at any time.

I’m located outside of the United States
Our clinicians may be able to work with clients located in countries outside of the U.S. Upon holding a Discovery Call with a potential client, each of our clinicians will verify the current legislation.

I’m located within the United States
Each clinician’s profile on our website will indicate which states within the U.S., in addition to California*, and those listed below, in which they are currently authorized to practice their therapy discipline.

If your chosen clinician is not authorized to practice their therapy discipline in your U.S. location, you may want to consider Coaching instead of Therapy. Learn the differences: Coaching vs. Therapy.

California Virtual therapist, Utah virtual therapist, Arizona virtual therapist, Colorado virtual therapist, Missouri virtual therapist, Alabama virtual therapist, Connecticut virtual therapist, Florida virtual therapist, Idaho virtual therapist, Ohio virtual therapist, South Carolina virtual therapist, Vermont virtual therapist, Virginia Virtual therapist
Schedule Online Therapy in the United States

*The following states allow our licensed clinicians to provide telehealth (online therapy, also sometimes called telemental health or teletherapy) to clients located in their state either for a limited number of days in a calendar year or by registering with their designated board. The currently known limitations are listed next to each state.

  • Alabama – Not more than 15 days in a calendar year nor more than 5 days in any given month
  • Arizona – Not more than 90 days in any one calendar year
  • Colorado – Not more than 20 days per year

Schedule your Discovery Call online.